The Great Flood of 2023
It was a dark and stormy night early in June. A sudden message flashed for my attention. CODE RED! the message said. And bad news it was indeed. The sudden onset of a storm had led quickly to a flash flood, threatening to destroy months of work. I rushed to save what I could and was lucky enough to arrive just in time. I quickly moved some equipment out of harm's way as the water began to rise, spreading across the floor. One inch, two inches, three inches…and STILL rising. Crafted Cores resembled the swamps on Dagobah, and without the force to help lift things from the water, I rushed to carry things upstairs as quickly as possible. Help arrived, and with sandbags in place, the surge of water stopped. With shoes soaked, we worked into the early hours of the next morning to restore our workshop from its flooded state of disaster.
And thus was the great flood of 2023.
Ok so maybe it wasn't really all THAT great, but our basement workshop did flood and it was pretty dramatic for us here at Crafted Cores.
FORTUNATELY, the damage was minimal. UNFORTUNATELY, the cleanup process that resulted put us behind on work by a LOT. However, we’re happy to share that we’re back to regular production now, and happy to be shipping out Kyber Crystals as quickly as we can. We appreciate the patience and support of our wonderful Crafted Cores family.
As always, May the Force be With You and keep collecting Kybers!
-Crafted Cores June 2023