Rupee Box Set
Rupee Box Set
In a distant galaxy, Link finds himself as a Jedi, wielding a lightsaber forged from the Master Sword. As he collects Rupees, the lightsaber undergoes remarkable transformations: Blue, White, Red, Yellow, Green and Purple Rupees hold the power to change the lightsaber's properties and colors, guided and enhanced by these mystical gems, Link embarks on a quest to bring balance to Hyrule.
Limited Edition Sets: 100 (note the change- no longer limited to 50.)
A Rupee Box Set includes:
1 laser-engraved box
1 Standard Hyrulian Pot, with magnets so it can break apart and go back together.
6 rupee crystals: blue, red, yellow, white, green and purple
Individual rupees and pots will be available later on without the box.
Blue Rupee: Old Ben / Old Luke
Red Rupee: Vader / Sidious
Yellow Rupee: Temple Guard / Maz Kanata
White Rupee: Ahsoka / Chirrut
Green Rupee: Yoda / Qui-Gon
Purple Rupee: Mace / Mace 2